The Best of 2007

Well, we got through another year crammed full of PoCs, Demonstrations, RFPs, RFIs and RFTs, and now there is a short time that we can look back and reflect on the year that was. What better way to do it other than just look back at some of the top articles of the year:

Proof of concept
When to run a PoC is a big questions, closely followed by how to run it successfully.

What does a sales engineer do?
This is a question I often get asked at parties, and it is often tricky to explain it...

Role of a sales engineer
What is the role of an SE in the sales process. Again, pretty deep stuff.

Training for sales engineers
How do you become an SE, and if you are one, how to improve.

How is a good sales engineer compensated
Finally, a recent article expressing how to best incentivize your SEs to ensure they deliver.

This was a pretty big year for me, so there were often gaps between many of the posts, but I'd rather post quality than quantity so unless I have lots of quiet times, expect more of this in 2008!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas (I don't go in for this Happy Holidays stuff).