Top 10 Worst Practices in Sales Engineering today

I recently found this Brooks group blog on Selling.  Jeb Brooks describes it as:
Sales Evolution is a B2B Sales Blog for curious people. We talk about things like sales training, sales management, sales assessments, sales leadership, prospecting, and sales relationship building. 
Anyway, I was driven to the blog by this post on the 10 worst practices in selling today which I found to be a quick list of things SEs should also be very wary of -of course I am sure we can adapt them to Sales Engineering in particular:
  1. Don't tailor your demo for each customer
  2. Jump straight into the tech demo
  3. Sales engineers don't do prospecting
  4. Complain about the performance/look/functionality of the product
  5. Tell the customer each step of the development history of the product 
  6. Call the product a solution without understanding the problem
  7. Lie and say the product does everything they want!
  8. Drill into every feature
  9. Allow the rest of the sales team to take all the actions
  10. Don't come back to the customer with answers to your take-home questions
 I am sure SEs around the world will come up with a better list. If you do - I will publish it!